Coptic Church Announcements
  • Tomorrow Mar 7, the Great Lent will start. We wish that we fast and teach our children to fast. We should not focus on changing the food only, but we should start changing our life and start the life of repentance, giving more time for prayers, reading the word of life, giving alms, confession and going more to the Church early.
  • The coming Sat Mar 12, there will be the family meeting at 5:00 PM in 60th Place Church. The topic will be about the “Languages of Love”. Please come and bring your children to learn Coptic & Alhan.
  • The coming Sunday Mar 13 will start the summertime. We will add one hour to the present time. Please adjust your clock & alarm on Sat to be able to come to the Church in the right time.
  • The coming Sun Mar 13 a medical team from Mount Sinai Hospital will check the people for Hepatitis C after the first Divine Liturgy in Woodward Church. We are continuing the fundraising after the second Divine Liturgy. Our servants are making small trays to go, and also for breakfast in the Church. This is in addition to our regular cafeteria. If any one is willing to participate in this service, please arrange with the servants at the left corner in the basement. This fundraising is to cover the construction projects, the maintenance and repairs for the Church and Sunday school building.
  • There will be a Holy Land trip from May 6-16, 2016 for 8 nights. The details of the trip and the schedule are on the board downstairs, and the reservation is with Mr. Saad Farag.   
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