
Below is a Letter To ISIS from the Coptic Community in response to the recent events: To My Friends, the killers, You beheaded in cold blood 21 Copts, only because they are Christians and refused to leave their God and their faith… I want to thank you because: You made them kneel not before you but…


Immigration lotto will start from 10/1/14 – 11/3/14. Entries for DV-2016 must submitted electronically. You can apply from USA or Egypt. For more information on how to apply, requirements of dv program and all questions for the upcoming lottery please download the instructions below or visit the links:

how to benefit from holy week

Fr. Dawood Lamey’s Guidelines To Benefit From Holy Week Do your best to attend as many Paschas as you can.  It is imperative to be near Jesus, especially this week, just like Saint John and Saint Mary. Try to limit your talk as much as possible in order to avoid committing any sin with your…

  كنيسة السيدة العذراء والأنبا أنطونيوس، كوينـز – نيويورك، مركز الخدمة والمعلومات لمجتمع الكنيسة   606 Woodward Avenue Ridgewood, N.Y. 11385, Tel: (718) 386-7272, Fax: (718) 386-7271, www,   مقدمة: تعطي الكنيسة أهمية خاصة لخدمة شعبها، بتقديم برامج خدمة صحية واجتماعية وثقافية وذلك من أجل المساهمة في تحسين أوضاع شعب الكنيسة وخاصة الأخوة المهاجرين الجدد،…

As we begin the Lenten Season 2012, I was compelled to put together the attached resource to aid in “Getting the Most Out of Fasting” this year.  Some of the varying reasons I have put this short article together are: 1. to encourage those sharing in this year’s Lenten journey, to attempt to get more…

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