Join us at Tuscarora Inn for this year’s annual October Retreat
Included in the itinerary is spiritual growth, fun times and unforgettable memories.
It will be a weekend filled with spiritual prayers, games, FOOD, and of course minimal sleep!
The bus will leave from from the front of our Church at EXACTLY 7:00am on Saturday, October 8 2016 (God willing we will return by October 10th at 5pm).
Spots are limited so first come, first serve so register today (or asap!)
Open to all 7th-12th graders and costs $160 so don’t miss out on the extraordinary good times!
Bring your Bibles, Agpeya and Tonya(for guys), pillows, linens and a towel
We also ask you to leave any electronic devices at home.
So once again here are the details:
WHAT: The 2016 JHS + HS October Retreat
WHEN: Columbus Day Weekend (October 8- October 10, 2016)
WHERE: At Tuscurroa Inn Retreat Center, Poconos, PA
WHO: Open to all Junior High School and High School (everyone in 7th grade to 12th grade)
– The trip is THREE DAYS (Saturday- Monday) for High School & Junior High ONLY
– The Cost of the Trip is $ 160.00, including Lodge, Transportation, and Meals.
– The Bus will leave from the front of our Church at exactly 7:00 AM on Saturday October 8, 2016.
– The numbers of Registrants is limited, and based on first come.
Bible & Agpeya & Tonia for boys
Make sure to bring Linens, a Pillow, and a Towel
Sports Equipment/games
Please do not bring any Cell phones, electronic devices or expensive items to the retreat
We will not be responsible for any lost or damaged items that you were not supposed to bring
Remember we are guests at Tuscarora Inn and we should respect the retreat center, the staff
and each other. Please follow the instructions of the servants who are sacrificing a lot of time
and effort to make this retreat successful
Please download the application below or see your servants for more information.
[…] 8-10, 2016). Applications are with the servants of the Junior High and High School and on the church website. Please encourage your children to […]