Please pray in agreement with me as we pray God will release his holy angels to make war and fight against all of the spiritual principalities in high places even unto the third heaven and all of the heavens above and below that any of the spiritual principalities in high places may reside and or have dominion over and bring them down and utterly destroy them all and all of their evil works and influences. The way we bring down spiritual principalities in high places even unto the third heaven and all of the heavens above and below, especially in specific geographical regions, areas and locations is by praying that God will release his holy angels who were created and or assigned to make war with and bring down spiritual principalities in high places even unto the third heaven and all heavens above and below in that specific geographic region that any of these spiritual principalities may reside, dwell and or have dominion over. Please pray in agreement with me that God will send his holy angels to make war against and bring down and utterly destroy all of the spiritual principalities in high places even unto the third heaven and all of the heavens above and below that reside over the specific geographical regions, areas and locations of:
1.Columbia Basin Job Corp Conservation Center of Moses Lake, Washington
2.Moses Lake, Washington
3.Ernie’s Truck Stop of Moses Lake, Washington
4.Moses Lake, Washington Police Department and all Moses Lake, Washington law enforcement
5.The entire Job Program of the USA, New Mexico and Puerto Rico
6.Ephrata, Washington
7.Grant County Washington
8.Grant County, Washington Courthouse
9.Grant County, Washington Superior Courthouse
10.Ellensburg, Washington
11.Ellensburg, Washington Greyhound bus station
12.Seattle, Washington
13.The old Seattle, Washington Greyhound bus station at 811 Stewart Street
14. The new Seattle, Washington Greyhound bus station at 503 S. Brougham Way
15.Everett, Washington
16.Providence Medical Center, Everett ,Washington
17.Everett Washington station at 3201 Smith Ave
In Jesus name we pray in agreement over all of these things.
As we pray in agreement in Jesus name, we pray that God will release his holy angels who are assigned to make war against and bring to utter destruction all of the spiritual principalities in high places even unto the third heaven and all of the heavens above and below that any of the spiritual principalities may reside, dwell and or have dominion over areas in my life that were released into my life as the result of others:
1.Creating Voodoo dolls of me and using voodoo and hexes on me via the voodoo doll
2.Using witchcraft on me,
3.Using sorcery on me
4.Reading and following my star and the reading of my birth chart(Astrology) in order to harm me
5.Using Black magic against me
6.Using any and all love spells and hexes on me
7.Using any and all spells and hexes of ill health on me
8.Using spells of ill health on me
9.Using any and all spells of mind control and brainwashing, memory loss and confusion, divination, false prophecy
10.Such as false prophets being in my life,
11.Using spells of insanity on me
12.Using cursed objects, namely a cross necklace piece of jewelry and giving it to me to wear
13.Using spells of Ugliness on me to make me physically unattractive
14.Using spells of Blindness on me to make me completely blind and or lose my eyesight
15.Using spells of obesity on me
16.Using spells on me to try to cause disease that causes weight gain on me
17.Using spells to paralyze me
18.Using spells on me to cause others to hate me and harm me
19.Using spells on me to cause others not to love me or want to be friends with me
20.Using spells of loneliness on me
21.Using spells of physical stunted growth on me
22.Using spells on me to cause me to bleed to death
23.Using spells on me to cause me to be sexually assaulted
24.Using spells on me to cause any and all forms of evil in my life
25.Using spells on me to cause spirit possession and demonic possession
26.Using spells on me to cause me to be tormented by demonic spirits
27.Using African Voodoo Spells, and African spells and hexes
28.Using the darkest black magic available
29.Having master sorcerers and witches cast spells and hexes on me and create powerful voodoo dolls on me
30.Using spells of suicide on me
31.Using spells of to cause a short life on me
32.Using Marine witchcraft against me
33.Using Voodoo beads in correlation with using voodoo against me and putting hexes on me
34. Prophesying into my life that have familiar spirits and or water/marine spirits
35. Using Water/Marine witchcraft against me
36. Prophesying into my life that have the spirit of python
37. Prophesying into my life that have jealousy against me
38. Prophesying falsely into my life, whether intentionally or non-intentionally
39. Speaking evil over my life
40. Sexual Perversions of me
41. Using voodoo against me that causes me to forget my dreams
42. In my life, in the past and present who were and/ or are jealous, envious and or covetous of me
43. In my life, in the past and present who were and/ or are hatfeul of me and/or mean,intend were/are/ planning ,wish me harm or ill will
44. In my life, in the past and present who were/ are trying to prevent my God given destiny
45. In my life, in the past and present who were/are using love spells on me
46. In my life, in the past and present who were/are using spells and /or hexes of bad luck on me
47. In my life, in the past and present who were/are using beauty spells that are meant to suck up someones beauty like a SPONGE.
48. In my life, in the past and present who were/are using the conjuring up of spirits and/or spells to cause evil spirits to harass and torment me.
49. In my life, in the the past and present who were/are using spells and hexes on me in order to hurt me/cause me harm.
50. In my life, in the past and present who were/are using spells to cause my mouth to be shut up/to silence me
51. In my life, in the past and present who were/are using spells to cause me legal trouble
52. In my life, in the past and present who were/are using spells on me to cause me to lose my memory
53. In my life, in the past and present who were/are making animal sacrifices to spirits in order perform evil against me/cause me harm.
54. In my life, in the past and present who were/are consulting psychics, witches, astrologers and diviner of spirits and any others who peform divination in order to gain information on me, including my future.
55. in my life, in the past and present who were/are using spells on me to cause poverty, hardship, and destitution.
56. In my life, in the past and present who were/are teaching/using/writing false doctrine.
57. In my life, in the past or present who were/are practicing idolatry
58. In my life, in the past or present who were/are living in sexual sin
59. In my life, in the past or present who were/are operating under the spirit of Jezebel
60. In my life, in the past or present who were/are performing spells on me who have the spirit of Jezebel and or Baal
61. In my life, in the past or present who were/are operating under a spirit of ugliness
62. In my life, in the past or present who were/are possessed with a demon of ugliness
63. In my life, in the past or present who/were are ugly in heart
64. In my life, in the past or present who were/are operating in a spirit of low self-esteem
65. In my life, in the past or present who were/are operating under a spirit of self-hatred
66. In my life, in the past or present who were/are operating under any spirit of jealousy,envy,covetousness and hatred
67. In my life, in the past or present who were/are operating under the spirit of psexual perversion
68. In my life, in the past or present who were/are operating under a spirit of control and manipulation
69. In my life, in the past or present who were/are operating under a spirit of adultery
70. In my life, in the past or present who were/are operating under a spirit of fornication
71. In my life, in the past or present who were/are operating under a spirit of anger and resentment
72. In my life, in the past or present who were/are operating under a spirit of unbelief
73. In my life, in the past or present who were/are practicing idolatry and worshiping false gods
74. In my life, in the past or present who were/are practicing spirit rituals
75. In my life, in the past or present who were/are psychics, divinators and astrologers
76. In my life, in the past or present who were/are opening me up to spiritual attack through the use of witchcraft on me
In Jesus name we pray in agreement that God will release his holy angels assigned to make war against and bring to utter destruction all of the spiritual principalities in my life that were released as a result of others and or myself whether known to me or not that reside over my life even unto the third heaven and all of the heavens below or above that any of them may reside, dwell or have dominion over in my life and that Gods holy angels will destroy all of their evil works, possession, dominion, influence and rule over my life, in Jesus name we pray in agreement amen.
Please keep my prayer request private, and please do not post online. Thank you very much for your prayers.