Dear Father in heaven, please help me find peace within my heart and soul. I trusted Ameen Alhubaishi to be my friend, I trusted him when he told me he loved me, but unfortunately he did not value my friendship or my love. I know with my your grace I will be fine and this pain will make me a better person. I forgive him for what he has done to me just like Jesus Christ would expect from me as a Christian. However, I want this prayer request to go out to him. I pray that God touches his heart and realizes that love, friendship and family are so precious especially in the world we live in today. True unconditional love is so rare and special that it should be treasured. I pray that he learns not to lie to get what he wants and I pray that someday he realizes that all I ever wanted from him was honesty and respect, just like i gave him. If he could not or did not want to be with me all I needed was to tell me the truth and I would had understood regardless of the pain. I would respected him, but what he did , to just stop calling, to act as am not worthy of an explanation is a cowards way out. I wish he could feel what I feel and maybe he will never treat anyone else, another woman like he treated me. I pray for him, may the good lord be with him. May the good lord change his ways. Thank you for all your prayers and may God Bless you!