- The coming Sat and every Sat in the month of Kiahk there is nightly Raising of Incense followed by Kiahk Tasbeha, that will start in both Churches at 6:30-11:00 PM.
- Today our Church will have Christmas show in 60th Place Church, for the community. It will be outdoor at 4:00, 4:30 & 6:00 PM, and it will be indoor at 5:00 & 6:30 PM. Please attend and invite your school friends & neighbors from the community.
- The coming Sunday Dec 27, HG Bishop David & HG Bishop Angeles, will pray the second Divine Liturgy in 60th Place Church, and will give the service in the youth meeting.
- On Thursday Dec 31, New Year’s Eve, there will Evening Raising of Incense in 60th Place Church at 7:00-8:00 PM followed by Sunday school celebration 8:00-10:00 PM. Prayers & Kiahk Praises will be 10:00-12:00 in both Woodward Church & 60th Place Church, followed by the divine Liturgy 12;00 Midnight to 2:00 AM Fri in both Churches also.
- The decorations for the Christmas are placed inside & outside the Church. Please teach your children not to destroy it, as they did before.