- Junior High & High School Retreat (grades 7-12) will be on Presidents Day Weekend, the coming weekend, (Sat February 13th- Mon February 15th).
- Applications are with the servants of Junior High and High School and on the church website.
- The coming Sat Feb 13 is the second Sat of the month, we will have our family meeting in 60th Place Church at 5:00 PM. The topic will be about the Domestic Violence.
- There will be also the weekly Coptic & Alhan lessons for our children in the same time.
- There will be a Holy Land trip from May 6-16, 2016 for 8 nights. The details of the trip and the schedule are on the board downstairs, and the reservation is with Mr. Saad Farag.
Other Announcements
- To learn more or participate in the mental health in the Coptic Orthodox Church research study please click here.
- Attached below is the application to register for the Coptic Orthodox Seminary Spring 2016 semester classes.