- The Divine Liturgies in the Great Lent will be every day, in Woodward Church, from 9:00-11:00 AM except Mon & Thu will be 11:00 AM-2:00 PM.
- Every Sunday there will be Alhan review for the deacons after Sunday school in 60th Place Church.
- This coming Sat Mar 8 is the second Sat. There will be family meeting in Woodward Church after the Divine Liturgy & the breakfast. The topic will be “How to raise healthy children?”
- Starting the coming Sat Mar 8, there will be Tasbeha lessons every Sat from 12:00 noon to 1:00 PM in Woodward Church. All Sunday school children & youth are invited.
- A medical Egyptian team, who is serving “Egyptians for better Egypt”, in the Churches & Mosques, will visit us the coming Sunday Mar 9, at 1:30 PM in 60th Place Church, to give Flu Vaccination and there will be a Pediatrician, Internal Medicine, Physical Therapist, Pharmacist and a dentist. Any one needs medical assistance is welcome.
- This coming Sunday please remember Daylight Savings time changes taking effect that morning. Please move the clock forward 1 hour.