Apenchois Our Lord Jesus Christ, fasted for us, forty days and forty nights, to save us from our sins. And we too let us fast, with purity and righteousness, and let us also pray, proclaiming and saying. “I have sinned I have sinned, my Lord Jesus forgive me, for there is no servant without sin,…

The votes are in! By God’s grace we will be showing the movie St. Peter tomorrow night, Friday April 15th. The movie will be displayed upstairs inside the church starting at 8:30 p.m. Join us for the final Friday in this blessed lenten fast as we share in prayer and fellowship. A further description of…

[sws_minimalist_table_csv width=”100%” bgcolor=”ffffff” hbgcolor=”ffffff” hcolor=”003399″ hbcolor=”6678b1″ bbgcolor=”ffffff” bcolor=”666699″ bbcolor=”cccccc”] Date Time Service 4/15 – Last Friday of the Great Lent 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM The Sacrament of the anointment of the sick and the Divine Liturgy 4/16 – Lazarus Saturday 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Divine Liturgy 4/16 – Lazarus Saturday 6:00 PM –…

Today we read this

We are very excited about this upcoming series. By God’s grace, Fr. Antonios Makaryus will speak to us while we sit “At the Foot of the Cross”. During the next three weeks we will learn about: Week 1: The School of the Cross Week 2: The Power of the Cross Week 3: The Necessity of…

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