God willing, this Sunday, July 22, 2012, we will be blessed by the presence of His Grace Bishop David during the second Divine Liturgy (SMSA2 – 62-54 60th Pl).
His Grace will elevate our beloved Father Antonios Makaryus to the rank of Hegomen. Please note that His Grace will give one sermon after the reading of the Gospel in both languages, therefore, we will not be able to have Sunday school classes.
After the Liturgy, we will have breakfast followed by a ceremony where Fr. Michael, representatives from Kindergarten kids, Elementary school students, JHS, HS, College, Youth, Servants, the congregation, HG Bishop David and Fr Antonios will give short speeches.
[message_box type=”note”]We hope you all can plan to attend this historic & blessed day for our beloved father & shepherd.[/message_box]
will aboun Hana be back by this time? I hope so!!
Mabrook , what is the next Rank after that ?!
There is nothing after hegomen!
congrats Abouna Antonios Makaryus for this well deserved blessing
congratulations, i am very happy for you and for us
Congratulations!Fr.Antonios deserve it and he had to be elevated to the hegomen rank loooong ago!
H.G.B.D is on fire!! God Bless!!
If any one deserves this rank , this would be our beloved father Abuna Antonios . This elevation to this rank is really way past over due. For all his sacrifices and effforts, he deserved that long time ago.
God bless you as a good shepherd in guiding your flock . We are very happy for the good news
Congratulations ya abouna
congratulation my father Antonios
God bless you. pray for our family
Congratulations abouna
congratulation fr.Antonios
congratulation abouna
congratulation apouna god bless u .
It’s the Hegoman-Batman Weekend!!! THE ANTICIPATION IS OVERWHELMING!!!
I heard about this.
god bless you very much
love the ghobrial family peace be with you.