Recent Church News and Information

Coptic Church Announcements

There are advertisements for jobs downstairs. If any one is looking for a job, please talk to Mrs. Salwa Gendy. On Sunday Dec 23, Christ the Redeemer Choir will perform…

معلومة طقسية هامة : 1- تحتفل الكنيسة القبطية الأرثوذكسية بعيد الميلاد المجيد يوم الأثنين الموافق 7-1-2019 وعليه يكون برامون الميلاد أيام (الجمعة والسبت والأحد الموافقين 4 ، 5 ، 6-1-2019…

Coptic Church Announcements

Thanks to all who donated to our Church on Facebook on Nov 27. The donation on Facebook will be open till Dec 8.  There are advertisements for jobs downstairs. If…

Coptic Church Announcements

Today is the first day of the Nativity Fast, which will end on Jan 6, 2019.

Coptic Church Announcements

This Thursday, Nov 22nd,  Thanksgiving Day, we will have a Divine Liturgy from 9:00-11:00 AM in 60th Place Church, followed by light breakfast, spiritual word, and early Thanksgiving Dinner. If…

Coptic Church Announcements

On Thursday Nov 22, the Thanksgiving day, we will have a Divine Liturgy 9:00-11:00 AM in 60 th Place Church, followed by light breakfast, spiritual word and early Thanksgiving Dinner….

Mrs. Evon Farag has departed today, November 2, 2018 in the hope of Resurrection of our Lord. Mrs. Farag is the wife of deceased Mr. Samir Farag, Mother of Jackie…

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