Recent Church News and Information

Coptic Church Announcements

If any of the Deacons bought a new Tonia, Please give the money to Deacon Bishoy in the first Divine Liturgy and to Mina Salib in the second Divine Liturgy….

Coptic Church Announcements

If any of the Deacons bought a new Tonia, please give the money to Deacon Bishoy in the first Divine Liturgy and to Mina Salib in the second Divine Liturgy….

Coptic Church Announcements

If anyone still has the yellow card of the festival, please give it with check to Mr. Ezzat Ibrahim after the Divine Liturgy. For all the parents who have children…

Mr. Fayez Hanna has departed yesterday, October 9th, 2018 in the hope of resurrection. He is the husband of Mrs. Mounira Hanna, father of Michael Hanna, and Nancy Stewart. He…

Coptic Church Announcements

Today is the last day of the festival in Woodward & 60th Place Churches. The family meeting will be the coming Saturday, Oct 13 at 5:00 PM in 60th Place…

Hegomen Topia Kamel, the Priest of St. Mary Church in Beni Sueif, departed today on the hope of resurrection, after a car accident. He is the brother-in-law of Fr Eshak…

The Church honors the Finalists of Mahragan El Keraza 2018: The Church honors Mary Gerges, the winnder of the 3rd grade Mahragan El Keraza of the Diocese of NY& NE:

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