Recent Church News and Information

Coptic Church Announcements

• Registration for music classes for the fall semester is with Saad Farag. • There will be a trip to Governor’s Island on Sat Aug 26. Registration is with Edward…

Coptic Church Announcements

• Today Marina Barsoum will collect the ECCYC applications from HS & College youth with the discount fees. Starting coming Sun the fees will be regular. • David Ensemble (George…

Coptic Church Announcements

Sunday we will celebrate the graduation of the College & HS graduates, after the second Divine Liturgy, in 60th Place Church at 1:00 PM The deacons who will come to…

Mrs. Ester Nasr has departed to Paradise on May 18, 2017. She was the mother of Mr. Youssef and Mr Magdy Youssef and the grandmother of Christina, Mousa, Andrew, Anthony…

COMMON DECLARATION OF HIS HOLINESS FRANCIS AND HIS HOLINESS TAWADROS II 1. We, Francis, Bishop of Rome and Pope of the Catholic Church, and Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and…

It is of a great blessing to present the 2017 Papal Encyclical of our beloved Shepherd, His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of…

In regards to the recent events that the church is going through and in fellowship with those suffering, HG Bishop David issued the following message: Statement Regarding the Recent Attacks During…

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