Recent Church News and Information

Tomorrow Mar 7, the Great Lent will start. We wish that we fast and teach our children to fast. We should not focus on changing the food only, but we…

Mr. Michael Elya Elkommos departed to Heaven yesterday (2/29/2016). The family will accept sympathy greetings tonight (Tuesday- 3/1) in the SMSA1 (606 Woodward Ave. Location) at 6 pm. The Funeral…

The Church used to have a yearly Fundraising dinner in St John’s University every year before the Great Lent. However, we could not do it this year. Our servants will…

Junior High & High School Retreat (grades 7-12) will be on Presidents Day Weekend, the coming weekend, (Sat February 13th- Mon February 15th). Applications are with the servants of Junior…

UPDATED: There will be only the first Divine Liturgy in Woodward Ave Church. The second Divine Liturgy will be canceled. Due to severe winter snow storm Jonas in the area, All…
Mr. Hany Aziz, father of Hardy, Hadier and Himan departed to the Paradise this morning. We will meet tomorrow Sunday, January 17 in the 60th place church for the comforting…