Recent Church News and Information

As we know, the Nativity Fasting started today and will end on Jan6. Below are some proposed practices that can help us in improving our spiritual life. Fasting Practices for the…

Coptic Church Announcements

The coming Thursday Nov 27 will be “Thanksgiving Day”. There will be Divine Liturgy 9:00-11:00 in 60th Place Church only, followed by a Lecture about “The Life of Thanksgiving”, then…

Please continue to pray for our beloved church member, Dr. Nassef Lancen and also for his family (Ezabelle, Jessica & Joyce), who is being treated at a NY hospital. May…

Yesterday Mrs Dalal Rizkalla has departed in Egypt, and today was the funeral. Mrs Dala is the Sister Of Mr Gamal Rizkalla, the husband of Dr Samia Rizkalla and the…

Coptic Church Announcements

Sunday is the second performance for the new play performance “UNQUNECHED!” يه تنشف الريق at 5:00 PM. The Theater is at St. John Preparatory School, 21-21 Crescent St., Astoria, NY,…

Coptic Church Announcements

Sunday school school will celebrate the All Saints Day eve on the coming Fri Oct 31 in Woodward Street Church after the Raise of Evening Incense at 6:00 PM for…

Coptic Church Announcements

October 24-26,Think 360: Apologetic Weekend Summit, guest speaker George Bassilios from California, will be speaking on various topics relating to Truth, Existence of God and trust in the bible. Registration…

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