Recent Church News and Information
Today & the coming Sunday, there will be a college seminar for 11 & 12 grades High school students and their parents at 12:30 PM in 60th Place Church, after…
His Holiness Pope Tawadros II has established a new diocese called the Diocese of New York and New England. His Grace Bishop David, our general Bishop, will be the Diocesan…

Sign up today for early bird pricing of $180 for ECCYC’s Higher Ground Retreat: All details can be found here:
God willing we will be providing weekly announcements on our website starting from today, additionally we will also email it out so please be sure to subscribe below. …
Please note: Starting This Friday, September 20th, the Friday night Bible study for young adults also known as The Truth will be now taking place at our 60th place church,…
Marina Abadir is in 8th grade in our Sunday school. She is in IS 73 JHS. She and 4 friends have been hit by SUV in front of her school…

This Sun Sep 15 we will celebrate the Feast of El Nayrouz, the new Coptic year after the second Divine Liturgy. Sunday school children & the youth will present hymns…