Dear Lord, please make it stop! I can’t keep going through this trial.Lord I speak your word over this”How long must your servant endure? Do not grant the wishes of the wicked do not further their evil plot.” It seems D has come back to me and is committed to the marriage and then I see he’s got another phone account with a different company then the one we have. Lord help me! I’ve suffered so much and it just doesn’t end. I pray non stop, all night long, fast, go to extra masses. “Deliver me Lord from the lying lips and decietful tongue. Too long have I had my dwelling among those hwo hate peace.”Lord Please deliver me from this. I beg you to show me the phone and yet I am not able to find it.I have tried so many ways to find porof and yet none is ever there.Lord he seems like his heart has turned back to me yet he isn’t interested in intimacy. Lord help me! ” A good wife is the crown of her husband.” Please send your angels and Saints to intervene and end D’s lying and cheating now! Break out of the darkness all that is hidden and bring about conversion of D’s heart, mind and body back to me his wife completely! I can’t live like this anymore. Lord, In Jesus Name and through his precious blood I beg you to make the lying and cheating to stop COMPLETLEY AND FOREVER. Do not allow D to walk outside your path for his life, another day, another second. Stop him dead in his tracks!Deliver D from all secret sins, all addictions and anything and anyone that is encouraging him to cheat on his wife and family! Fill his heart, mind and body to overflowing with love and desire to be with his wife, J and to be true. Stir up in D a desire to renew his promise to J by renewing his wedding vows. as we pray our word Lord over this situation knowing that you are the Lord of the Impossible, asking St. Jude for his intercession as we speak God’s word”What God has together let no man divide. A curse without cause shall not alight but rather the words of the curse shall fall back onto the persons mouth who spoke them. D drink from your own cistern, D let your fountain be blessed, rejoice with the wife of your youth, and As a loving husband Let J’s breasts satisfy thee at all timesand always be enraptured with her love.” “Marriage is honorable among all and keep the bed unfiled because fornicators and adulterers (D) will be judged. and the wrath of God will be upon them.” For a man has left his father and mother and he is joined to his wife and two shall be one.” If your right hand D causes you to sin cut it off and cast it off.” In Jesus Name and through his blood we bind up and break off of D all that is against God’s will for this marriage and family and we declare and decree each and every word of this desperate prayer is being heard and answered over this man- (D) his marriage and family as we declare restoration and renewal and healing to begin as the last word of this prayer is typed. Amen.

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