Where: St. John the Beloved Coptic Orthodox Monastery
106 Patmos Dr, Canadensis, PA 18325
When: Saturday, June 24th, 2017
Cost: USD $ 25 per person
– Children up to 12 years old, USD $ 10
Meet with all the group members at
St. Mary & St. Antonios Coptic Orthodox Church
62-54 60th place, Ridgewood, NY 11385
+ 06:30 am. Meet with all the group members at 62-54 60th Place, Ridgewood.
+ 06:45 am. Boarding on the bus.
+ 07:00 am. Departure to Pennsylvania.
+ 09:00 am. Expected arrival time to Pennsylvania.
+ 10:00 am. Divine Liturgy
+ 12:00 noon Brunch and free time.
+ 04:00 pm. Competitions and fun.
+ 06:00 pm. Departure from the Monastery
+ 08:00 pm. Expected arrival time, back to the church, 62-54 60th place.
+ Brunch is provided by the Monastery, Complimentary. You may call before June
Saturday 24th, Phone 570- 481-445, to know what the Monastery needs as donations.
+ Parents should provide a Car Seat for their children below 4 years.
+ Participation fees are nonrefundable.
For Reservations, Please Contact
Saad Farag at 347-421-8921 & Edward Armanios at 718-396-6259.
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