• The coming Thursday Oct 31, Sunday school will celebrate All Saints Day at 6:00-8:00 PM in Woodward Ave Church. Please bring your children wearing angels or saints costumes. Any other costumes are not allowed. Teach them the story of the Saint to present it to the other children. Chocolate will be distributed to them. Please do not go with your children to the other houses in the streets. If you want to share with the chocolate or activities, please talk to Mary Wassef.
  • The coming Sunday the wintertime will start. The clock will be back one hour.
  • The Church usually makes the yearly festival in this month every year. This year, instead of the festival, we will have a fund raising dinner on Sat Nov 9 at 3:00 PM in the basement of 60th Place Church. The tickets for the adults and the children under 12 years old are with Mrs. Nancy Ashamalla. The money that will be collected from this dinner will help in paying off the debts and making renovation & repairs in the Church. Please come with your family and invite your friends from the other Churches.
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