- This Sunday at 4:00 PM, there will be Christmas celebration for HS, JHS & their servants in 60th Place Church. Tickets are with Sunday school servants.
- On Monday Dec 31, we will have the New Year Eve celebration of Kindergarten & Elementary Sunday school children of the first & second Divine Liturgies. The celebration will be at 8:00 PM in 60th Place Church. Please bring your children at 7:00 PM for preparation.
- The celebration will be followed with hymns, sermons, prayer and the Divine Liturgy will be from 12:00 Midnight to 2:00 AM.
- The coming Sun Jan 6 is the Paramon of the Nativity Feast.
- There will be the two Divine Liturgies at the morning, but there will be no Sunday school service on that day.
- The Nativity Feast Divine Liturgy on coming Sun, in both Churches, will start at 5:30 PM Raising of Incense, 7:00 Offertory, 8:00 Gospel, 9:30 Communion, 10:00 Conclusion and Benediction.
- On the Nativity Feast day Mon 7, the kindergarten & elementary children will have celebration 11:00 AM-2:00 PM in Woodward Ave Church
- If any one of the students needs a letter from the Church that Jan 7 is our Christmas according to the old Calendar, and will be off on that day, please see Fr. Antony.
2019 Christmas/New Year Schedule