Coptic American Canadian Youth Bishopric Holds First Retreat

Spruce Lake 5389 Pennsylvania 447, Canadensis, PA, United States

*UPDATE*  The price has been reduced to $120 -- all those who have paid $140 will be refunded the difference in cash on the retreat. God willing, The Coptic American Canadian Youth Bishopric (ACYB) will held the first retreat (for graduates and young adults) in Arabic. WHERE: At Spruce Lake Retreat, PA WHEN: On December 5 & 6, 2015...


Ridgewood Queens Community Health Fair

SMSA 2 62-54 60th Place, Ridgewood, NY, United States

The Five Loaves Ministry of St. Mary & St. Antonios Coptic Orthodox Church of Ridgewood Queens, NY cordially invite all to attend the upcoming Ridgewood Community Health Fair happening this Saturday December 5th from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m at SMSA 2 (62-54 60th Place Ridgewood, NY 11385) Everyone is welcome to this FREE community...

Jerusalem and Jordan Trip – January 2016

See the many wonders of Jerusalem and Jordan Join St. Mary & St. Antonios Coptic Orthodox Church as we visit the wonders of Jerusalem & Jordan's to see all the religious sites this coming January. All the details are below -- don't miss this opportunity limited seats are available and hurry - spots are filling up....


2016 JHS & HS February Retreat

Spruce Lake 5389 Pennsylvania 447, Canadensis, PA, United States

Join us at Spruce Lake Inn for this year's annual February retreat. Included in the itinerary is spiritual growth, fun times and unforgettable memories. It will be a weekend filled with spiritual prayers, games, FOOD, and of course minimal sleep! The information that you need to know about your Retreat: - The trip is at...


2016 Holy Land Trip

Holy Land , Israel

2016 Holy Land Trip Includes Round Trip Direct Flight Half Board Accommodation in 3 Star Hotels (1 night in Tel Aviv, 2 nights in Nazareth & 5 night in Jerusalem) Meet & Assist at Tel Aviv Airport Round Trip Transfers Airport/Hotel/Airport Guided Tours to Religious and Historic Sights Touring in a Deluxe Air Conditioned Coaches...


Discover & Develop Your Personality Type Retreat

University of Scranton 800 Linden St, Scranton, PA, United States

Please share with your family members, friends, relatives, co-workers, co-servants, church members and anyone else you believe that he/she may benefit from the second CACYB Graduates & Young Adults retreat  


We Are Orlando Memorial Vigil: Honoring All God’s Creation

All Saints United American Catholic Church 59-14 70th Ave, Ridgewood, NY, United States

The St. Mary & St. Antonios Coptic Orthodox Church would like to share in the interfaith prayer service being offered in our community regarding the recent tragic event in Orlando this past weekend. May God bring peace to this world and deliver us all from evil. It will be this Thursday, 7PM at All Saints...

St. John Monastery Trip June 24th, 2017

St. John the Beloved Coptic Orthodox Monastery 106 Patmos Dr, Canadensis, PA, United States

Details: Where: St. John the Beloved Coptic Orthodox Monastery 106 Patmos Dr, Canadensis, PA 18325 When: Saturday, June 24th, 2017 Cost: USD $ 25 per person - Children up to 12 years old, USD $ 10 Meet with all the group members at St. Mary & St. Antonios Coptic Orthodox Church 62-54 60th place, Ridgewood,...

Sight & Sound Jonah on July 13th, 2017

Sight & Sound Theatre 300 Hartman Bridge Road, Ronks, PA, United States

Details: Where: Sight & Sound Theatre, Lancaster County, PA When: Thursday, July 13th, 2017 Cost: USD $ 95 per person - Children up to 3 years old, USD $ 40 & 3 – 12 years old, USD $ 60 - Includes Lunch Buffet Meet with all the group members at St. Mary & St. Antonios...


2017 ECCYC College

University of Scranton 800 Linden St, Scranton, PA, United States

We are excited to announce the 28th Annual College ECCYC! Dates: Friday July 28- Sunday July 30 Location: University of Scranton, PA Registration : For college youth, registration is available either online or a paper registration form. If registering using a paper form, please make checks payable to “ECCYC”. Please submit the completed form with...

$160 – $185