2017 ECCYC HS Girls – The Trinity and Me

University of Scranton 800 Linden St, Scranton, PA, United States

We are excited to have you at the 28th Annual HS Girls ECCYC! Dates: Monday July 31- Wednesday August 2 Location: University of Scranton, PA "Come near to Me, hear this: I have not spoken in secret from the beginning: From the time that it was, I was there. And now the Lord God and...

$160 – $185

2017 ECCYC HS Boys – Boys 2 Men

University of Scranton 800 Linden St, Scranton, PA, United States

About Boys to Men The annual ECCYC High School Boys’ Retreat is a time when our high school youth are given the opportunity to unite for spiritual growth and bonding. In 2013, the High School Boys’ Retreat was officially renamed as the “Boys to Men Retreat” brought to you by ECCYC. The Boys to Men...

$160 – $185

Annual Summer Copt Convention – Florida

St. Stephen Retreat Center 4951 S Washington Ave,, Titusville, FL, United States

SUMMER COLLEGE/GRAD COPTIC CONVENTION College and Grad retreat in Florida with small groups from around the states and Canada attend. It's an amazing vacation that's fun, relaxing and spiritually beneficial. If you think anyone in NY would want to attend, spread the word, register and benefit. The dates are August 10- 13. All the details...


Spiritual Day On Saturday March 24th, 2018

SMSA 2 62-54 60th Place, Ridgewood, NY, United States

Saturday, March 24th, 2018, (The fourth Saturday of the month) Spiritual day for all students of elementary school (Pre - K to 6th grade) At 60th place It starts with the Divine Liturgy at 09.00 AM Followed by meetings for all the students with Fr.Anthony & all parents with Fr. Antonios . All meetings and...

World Cup 2018: Egypt vs. Russia

62-54 60th place queens, NY 11385

Tuesday, June 19, 2018 at SMSA2 62-54 60th Place Ridgewood, NY 11385 1:00-6:00 PM Come and support Egypt during the World Cup match and experience the tasty and delicious food! We will watch the game together and have delicious Egyptian food, traditional desserts, face painting, free flags, and much more. Come and invite others! Free...

World Cup Quarter Finals Viewing Party

Join us on Friday, July 6, 2018 to watch the World Cup Quarter Final games together at SMSA 2. Games: Uruguay vs. France at 10:00 AM Belgium vs. Brazil at 2:00 PM Watch the games on a huge screen and enjoy delicious traditional food! Face painting and more fun games (ping pong, Playstation) as well....

Bear Mountain Trip

St. Mary & St. Antonios Youth Meeting invites all our beloved youth to a fun trip to Bear Mountain on Saturday, July 7th from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Location: Palisades Parkway or Route 9W North Bear Mountain, NY 1911 Activities include pool, fishing, soccer, hiking, BBQ, etc. Breakfast and lunch will be served. Guest...

HS & JHS October Retreat 2018

Tuscarora Inn

The High School & Junior High School Retreat will be held Columbus Day Weekend (10/6- 10/8/2018) at Tuscarora Inn, Pennsylvania. Open to all Junior High School and High School (7th grade to 12th grade) Print application below. Applications are also with the Sunday School Servants!

A Christmas Concert

62-54 60th place queens, NY 11385

Christ the Redeemer Choir gladly invites you to: A Christmas Concert December 23, 2018 5:00 -7:00 PM St. Mary & St. Antonios Church 62-54 60th Pl, Ridgewood, NY 11004