Truly Christ is Risen, Happy Easter! Below are the announcements that were read During the Liturgy, please share, God Bless! After the Divine Liturgy the youth are invited for breakfast…

This is the 2013 Easter Papal Message for the Glorious Feast of Resurrection. You will find the video broadcasts as well as the PDF versions for download in multiple languages. Here is…
Paschal Prayers for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (4-29-5/1) God willing 606 Woodward Location at the following times: First – Eleventh Hours of the Morning Prayers: 10:00AM – 12:30PM Evening Paschal…

The Coptic Orthodox Church invites all to a memorial for the victims of violence in the United States and abroad. We pray for the victims of the violent and deadly…

For Immediate Release April 9, 2013 Cedar Grove, N.J. – Source: http://nacopts.org The Coptic Orthodox Archdiocese of North America mourns the loss of the seven Egyptians killed in violent attacks in…